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About AIM Nutrition Consulting

erica jackson of aim nutrition

Erica Jackson

Owner of AIM Nutrition Consulting
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
Certified Personal Trainer

My struggles with food started at the age of 12. For many years, I tried extreme diets and weight loss solutions to try to reach an impossible ideal. In college, I decided to become a Dietitian so I could become a professional dieter, although I didn’t realize it until many years later. My mission is to fight against diet culture and show other women how they can eat stress-free. No more guilt, shame, or struggle around food. I want everyone to enjoy the freedom and confidence to live their lives without the vicious chains of extreme diets. My journey to self love and body acceptance along with my career as a Dietitian has allowed me to help hundreds of women finally feel comfortable in their own skin.

I thought shrinking my body would improve my confidence, but it never did. It wasn’t until I realized that my worth was more than my appearance that I truly began to accept myself for who I am. I used to count calories, weigh & measure every morsel of food, and obsess over macros. Now I’ve learned how to reach my nutrition & fitness goals while enjoying the foods that I love.

Today, I help individuals who have been on the binge-restrict cycle for years, or even decades. My personalized nutrition coaching program has helped hundreds of men and women gain confidence, improve their body image, and focus on what brings them joy. As a wife and mom of two girls, I know how important it is to heal your own relationship with food so it isn’t passed onto future generations.

My goal as a Dietitian is to help you reach your goals without giving up all the things you love, and give you the tools to be healthy for life.

Are you ready to stop stressing and obsessing over food?




aim nutrition consulting brandmark
kristi morris of aim nutrition consulting

Kristi Morris

Certified Personal Trainer
Certified Nutrition Coach

Growing up I considered myself to be an athlete. I played every sport available to me from the age of 8 until I was in college. Competitive softball was my passion but I was soon burnt out by the time high school was coming to an end. It was easy for me to stay active in college with sports, because I loved the game. I graduated college with a love of fitness but a degree in Engineering. Working in the construction industry didn’t stop me from helping and encouraging friends & family on their own fitness journeys.

I was juggling a stressful career, a marriage, and two little kids, and it was taking a toll on my mental and physical health. My body changed, and not in the ways I would have liked. I stayed active, but I just couldn’t get to a place where I liked what I saw in the mirror. It has taken a lot of work, but I know now that my body is strong and capable of so many things, even though it may not look the same as it did a decade ago. My journey isn’t just about losing weight, it’s a journey of self-acceptance.

My main goal is to help others learn how to move their bodies and love them for what they are capable of doing. I have a passion for helping others appreciate what they can accomplish, both inside and outside of the gym.


